For rent house , Sofia, Vladaya
for rentHouse, 971 м2
Sofia, Vladaya- Enabled on: 2025-02-14 10:18:47
- No. in 6021839
- № in the Agency: 43290
Passive house for rent near Vitosha Nature Park with charming views. Permission for use since 2013. The property is located on the southern slope of Vitosha, with a panoramic view, at 950 meters above sea level. Built-up area: 971 m2 GLA: 3065 m2 The distribution is as follows: 1st new: Basement with service rooms with pellet boiler and hydrophore with a capacity of 1500 liters, garage with elevator access. 2nd level: Winter garden, vestibule, living room with kitchen and dining room 184 m2 which include a library, a relaxation area with a massage chair, a fireplace, a pool table, a TV area, two offices. Master bedroom, closet, bathroom with toilet, area with jacuzzi and sauna. Guest bedroom with bathroom and toilet. The house also has a private loft with living room and kitchen, bedroom, bathroom with toilet, private yard and parking space. Richly landscaped yard with pool, relaxation area, barbecue area, gazebo and mini lake, trees. Degree of completion: grants; carpet; latex walls and wallpaper; high quality aluminum joinery. Furniture and equipment: upholstered furniture; dining table with eight chairs; built-in kitchen with electrical appliances; refrigerator; wine refrigerator; washing machine; dryer; armchairs; LED TV; beds; built-in wardrobes and cabinets; solar system; ventilation system with Systemair recuperation. Underfloor heating, by electric supply or pellet system, photovoltaic system for electricity, fireplace. Eight-car garage and covered outdoor parking. The advertised price does not include VAT.
We are ready to organize a viewing of this property at a time convenient for you. Please contact the responsible estate agent and inform them when you would like to have viewings arranged. We can also help you with flight tickets and hotel booking, as well as with travel insurance.
How to rent the property?
If you like the property and decide to rent it, we will be able to prepare a rental agreement with the landlord and present it for approval and signature by both parties. The usual practice is to prepay one rent for the first month and to leave a guarantee deposit to the landlord to the amount of one month's rent. Please contact the responsible estate agent for more information on the procedure for renting the property as it may vary between long-term, short-term and seasonal rents.
Additional Services
Apart from renting a property though our company you can also take advantage of a number of additional services. We can offer insurance of movable and immovable property, life insurance, medical and car insurance, construction and repair works, furniture, legal and accounting services, etc.
exclusively: Yes
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